Totally realistic horror story

Warning 2Scary5U
The moonlight shone strongly that night. In the dark all cats are gray, and the city so ghostly out despite the moonlight. Peter hurried and entered into a puddle. Tom quickly followed with, but Tom saw a creature stand behind Peter. "Be careful," he cried. But the figure was faster than Peter, and the figure took Peter. The figure hurried away, while Peter screamed. Tom knew what he should do. Tom ran after the figure. He followed the figure right up to a big city. The figure ran to many other forms. Tom shudder at the thought of the many forms. Then came one of the figures up to Tom, and he saw that it was a skeleton. 
 After it popped a lot of other skeleter up at him. Tom was scared, but he kicked a skeleton in the groin and ran away. He looked around and saw the skeletons popped up in front of all the muck just other people. They were all taken, someone was killed. Tom tried to call Peter, and Peter replied. But it was not Peter's voice, Tom could hear. It was a very light voice that said "OOGLY BOOGLY" and hung up. Then Snoop Dog and said "Ya, man, you want your buddy back? I know how. Just smoke weed everyday and Eventually he'll come, bra. ". Then Tom said, "No, I'm allergic." So said Snoop Dog "'ey, man, i do not speak Australian". As he progressed. Then went to see Tom hjelp200121 and Jakob2709, they were totally ninja. So they went and beat skeleton are, and looked after Peter. But they could not find him, but then they heard Tom shouting, "He's here, but he is a skeleton." He was dead. So Tom lived happily to his dying day, until he became a skeleton (the same day). END. 
P. S. hjelp200121 and Jakob2709 is ninja.